Sunday, July 19, 2015

Grilled Chicken Strips, Smashed Potatoes, Zucchini, and Coconut Cream Pie

Tonight was my turn for dinner, so I thought I would go simple. First of all I will break down what I spent. The chicken strips were $6.99 for a 2 lb bag at Grocery Outlet, one bag last Jake and I through a few meals. The potatoes were a great deal, I got a 10 lb bag at the 99 cent store, for 99 cents, one bag of potatoes last us a while. The veggies again were brought to me from a friend. The pie was probably the biggest expense. It was made as an early birthday pie for Henry's bday on Tuesday. The crust was $2.29, the pudding was 2 boxes $2.60, I already had the coconut, the container of whip cream was $1.69, and the chocolate ready whip was $1.49.

First of all for the pie, it's simple! You need 1 graham cracker crust, I used 1 box of coconut cream pudding, and 1 box of cheesecake flavored pudding, 2 cups of milk, 1 container of whipped cream (I like the extra creamy, if you are having something like this go for the fat!) 1 cup of shredded coconut. Mix the 2 boxes of pudding with 2 cups of milk, stir until well blended, then add 1/2 container of whipped cream, and 3/4 cup coconut, mix well, place in the crust, refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours. Before serving top with the rest of the whip cream, and toasted coconut.

  For dinner I marinaded the chicken in 1/4 cup olive oil, ancho chili powder, smoked paprika, and garlic seasoning. I let it set for 30 minutes. I cut the potatoes into cubes, rinsed, then placed them in cold water, along with 4 cloves of garlic. I heated the George Foreman grill, then started the potatoes to boil. The chicken only takes about 4 minutes to cook on the grill, and this time I over cooked the chicken, It was dry, but Henry and Jake seemed to like it. For the potatoes I added butter, milk, Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. After the chicken was done, I put the zucchini and star burst squash on the grill.

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