Saturday, January 9, 2016

Black Beans and Chicken Tacos

  I know I haven't posted in a very long time. One reason is that Jake moved into an apartment with his brother, so I don't have my cooking partner any more. Sometimes it really sucks when your kids get older, especially when the move out on their own. Both my boys are suppose to come over Monday to make pasta with me. I got new pasta attachments for my Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas, but have been to sick to use them.
  It's been so hard cooking just for myself. I usually cook too much and end up throwing it away, because I don't like leftovers. Since the beginning of the year, I vowed I will cook for myself and that it will be healthy. After being sick for the last month (I have had pneumonia), I have lost 10 lbs. and I would like to continue the weight loss. I thought I would use this blog to help me along.
  Tonight I was craving tacos so I thought how I could make them healthier. I had already picked up some high fiber tortilla at Grocery Outlet for fifty cents, so I thought I would try them.
  First I took 1/2 of a skinless boneless chicken breast, placed it in a small dutch oven, sprinkled on some pepper, ancho chili powder, and smoked paprika. I then added 1/4 cup chicken broth, covered it and baked in a 350 degree over for 30 minutes.
  I then, took a small pot, put a tablespoon of olive oil in the bottom, then added 1/2 of a small yellow onion, after those cooked for a few minutes then added 2 chopped cloves of garlic, let it cook for about 2 minutes. Then I added 1 can of drained black beans, and one can of El Patio tomato sauce (this brand has a lot of flavor, but if you don't like spicy, you can use a can of  regular tomato sauce. I also added some chopped mini sweet peppers. I let that simmer. I saved some of the chopped onion and sweet peppers for topping, for that crunch. I also sliced some fresh spinach.
  This is what it looked like when it was done. I know my pictures are backwards, but oh well. I for got I did put a pinch of shredded cheese on top. This dinner was 440 calories. I used the tortillas on the side. The calorie count was with 2 of the high fiber tortillas.

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