Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Burger Patties

For the first time in a long time, tonight was actually cooking with Jake. I jokingly asked Jake what he was fixing for dinner. He answered with, I will figure it out when we get back from the farm. I guess working with his steer made him think of burgers, and he's had this new(but good) obsession with spinach. So he decided he would make spinach. cheese, and garlic burgers.

He took a small package of hamburger and added some shredded romano cheese, 1/2 of package of spinach(which I wilted in a skillet with garlic and some butter), about 5 cloves of grated garlic cloves, oregano, basil, salt, and pepper. He cooked them until they were seared then placed them in a 400 degree oven to finish.

He also through some french fries in the oven to cook. I forgot the picture yet again.

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