Friday, September 6, 2013

Fajitas and Cupcakes

Tonight it was Troy and I, before he ran away to hang out with a friend. I don't have a clue why a 22 year old would prefer to hang out with friends and not his mom on a Friday Of course he waited until after dinner to leave.

I ran to the store and found some discounted steak, a top sirloin for $3.00. I then decided to pick up a green bell pepper,a red bell pepper, and an onion. Fajitas it was! I came home and cut up the veggies I bough along with a jalapeno, and 4 cloves of garlic. I then patted the steak dry and salt and peppered it, then drizzled it with oil. I seared the steak, then while it was resting I sauteed the veggies. When the veggies were almost done I added a small can of green enchilada sauce for flavor. That was it dinner was done. Fast and easy.

Since the boys left me home by myself(I have Nibbler here but he doesn't count) I got bored. I needed to find something to do. I didn't feel like cleaning so I decided to bake. I took my normal homemade chocolate cake recipe and added 2 packets of caramel macchiato cappuccino mix. Then in a separate bowl I mixed a 6 oz container of cream cheese(it was at the Dollar Tree), sugar, and vanilla until smooth. I then placed about a tablespoon of the cake mix in the bottom of the muffin tin, then I added about 1 teaspoon of cream cheese mix, then topped it with more cake mix. I put them in the oven on 350 degrees. Some of them I over filled and the cream cheese ran out of the cupcake. I know I made these with a strawberry mix before and they turned out great, but oh well. They still taste great, and that's all that matters!

To get the swirl frosting I took a pastry bag, placed some chocolate frosting in it and some butter cream frosting then piped it on.

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