Thursday, January 30, 2014

Steak, Pasta, and Quinoa Salad

Tonight Jake and I actually cooked together. I made the steak and he made the pasta.

 For the steak (I got it on sale 4 steaks for $5.00) I laid them out of paper towels and patted them dry. Next I sprinkled on some A-1 rub, then drizzled them with canola oil. I placed them on a very hot cast iron grill pan. I seared them on all sides then finished them off in a 350 degree oven.

 For the pasta Jake cut up carrots, celery, onion, 5 cloves of garlic, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 orange bell pepper, 1/2 yellow bell pepper, and 6 button mushrooms. He started the pasta water, then heated 2 Tbls. oil and 2 Tbls butter in a large deep skillet. Next he added the chopped veggies, cooked until they were tender, then added 1 Tbls. anchovy paste, he cooked that for about a minute, then deglazed the pan with about 1 cup of red wine, he let the wine cook off, then added 1 15 oz can tomato sauce, 1 15 oz can of diced tomatoes, oregano, basil, thyme, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, fennel seeds, fresh cilantro, and 3 threads of saffron. He let that reduce for about 5 minutes, then added 1 cup of heavy cream. After the pasta was cooked he added it to the sauce and tossed until well combined.

 The quinoa salad was left over from the potluck at work. See last nights blog post for recipe. Oh I also dabbed some horseradish on the steak.

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