Sunday, June 29, 2014

Burgers and Oven Roasted Potatoes

 I planned tonight's dinner around the fact my nephews are suppose to be having a sleepover here so their parents can have a night alone. They have yet to appear so far, so Jake and I were getting hungry, so I decided to cook.

 I went with red potatoes because that's what I had. I cut them, washed them, then dried them. In a bowl I mixed olive oil, oregano, basil, thyme, and a little bit of salt, then tossed the potatoes in it. I placed them on a baking sheet and placed them in a 450 degree oven for 25 minutes, or until done.

  For the burger I mixed the burger meat with 4 minced cloves of garlic, 2 minced green onions, ancho chili powder, dried thyme, and some salt. I made the patties and placed them on a baking sheet, then put them in the oven with the potatoes. A few minutes before they were done i put a slice of Kraft cheddar cheese slices (which was made with skim milk). I toasted the hamburger buns in the toaster. We topped them differently, I used some light mayo that was seasoned with garlic and herbs, pickles, and spinach. Jake had the mayo with bbq and spinach.

 So this isn't very healthy, but it hit the spot. To break it down, it goes something like this, the burger patty has about 200 calories, the bun 110 calories, cheese 25 calories, and the potato right around 100. It comes in around 450 calories. After having yogurt for breakfast and cottage cheese for lunch I don't find it too much.

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