Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chicken Salad and Chicken with Brown Rice

 I wasn't sure what we were having tonight, I wanted something easy, fast, and healthy. I decided on some of the boneless skinless chicken breast strips I bought in a large bag. I told Jake I was making a chicken spinach salad, I would cook the chicken, and he could come up with something to go with. He decided on brown rice.

 He started cutting up fresh herbs and onions, so I asked him to cut up some for me and I would make a sauce for the chicken to match what herbs he was putting in his rice. He chopped oregano, basil, thyme, chives, garlic, green onions, cilantro, flat leaf parsley, and ask him to chopped 1/2 of red onion.

 I took the chicken seasoned it with salt and pepper, seared it in a large deep skillet with olive oil. I then removed it from the skillet, added a little more olive oil, the red onion, and garlic. I cooked that until the onion became translucent. I then deglazed the pan with 1/2 cup white wine, and 1/2 can of chicken broth. I cooked that down for about 2 minutes, then added 1/4 cup heavy cream, and ll the herbs. I then placed the chicken back in the pan, covered it and let it simmer.

 Meanwhile, Jake had put 3/4 cup brown rice in a sauce pan, with 1 1/2 cups water, 1/2 cup white wine, and all the herbs. He covered it and simmered it until all the liquid was gone.

 I chopped up my salad, spinach, red and yellow bell peppers, carrots, broccoli, and pea pods. When the chicken was done I sliced it, put it on top of my salad, and used a zesty Italian dressing.

When the rice was done Jake placed the chicken on top of it, topped it with chopped fresh spinach, and some Parmesan cheese.


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