Friday, May 31, 2013

Pork Chops, Salad, and Zucchini

I know I haven't done this in a few days but I just haven't felt up to it. I haven't cooked except for tonight(I helped).

Wednesday night my sister made dinner again and invited me since I was all alone. She made a turkey meatloaf, baked potatoes, and something green but I can't remember what it was. Jake had steer weigh ins that day and didn't get home until after 7 pm. I had laid out some fish, but had discovered it only had 1 piece in it so I decided I would be nice and fix him dinner when he returned home(I really don't like fish)
I seasoned the fish with garlic pepper and ancho chili pepper, then seared it in a tablespoon of olive oil. Then the lazy me threw a potato in the microwave to make a "baked" potato. He said the fish was really good.

Thursday I was very exhausted, and of course my turn to do dinner, so I took and easy way out. I picked up a pepperoni pizza for Zach, a gourmet chicken garlic pizza and a club salad from Papa Murphy's. It is considered cooking, I had to put it in the oven...LOL

Tonight was a collaboration between Elena and myself (and Jake). Elena made some pork chops(I don't care for pork, but I was nice and ate some), Jake had gotten up a huge zucchini from the Senior Center when they went to do community service today, so I sliced it and fried it. Of course Jake was busy with friends and won't be home until later. My sister picked up a Cesar salad. It was a pretty good dinner. No pick though because Jake has my camera with him.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Tonight  Elena asked if I wanted to come over for dinner, of course I said yes. The way I have been feeling lately I would let anyone cook for me. So we decided on spaghetti she would make and I would make meatballs since I had already had hamburger laid out.

I made the meatballs simple and quick tonight, I just added some garlic, salt, pepper, basil, and oregano. When I got to her house I put them in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes.

Elena made the spaghetti, boiled the noodles, added some jar sauce. Easy and fast dinner.

After dinner Jake and Zach used her cake pop maker to make some brownie bites. They were the best part of the meal.

Again no pics, I have to start remembering to take some.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Stir Fry

Tonight I wanted something fast and easy. I found some thin steak in the freezer, frozen stir fry veggies, and rice.

I started some plain white rice 1 cup rice, 2 cups water, bring to a boil, then simmer for about 15 minutes.
When I thought the rice was about done, I heated 2 tablespoon canola oil in a large skillet, took 2 small thin steaks and sliced them into strips, added them to the hot skillet, cooked until brown, then added a few tablespoons of oyster sauce and cooked just about a minute, then removed the steak from the pan added another tablespoon of oil and cooked thawed out veggies, until they are tender.

I kept everything separate because Jake doesn't like the veggies. I gave him most of the rice and meat and I took all the veggies.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Oregano/Garlic Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, and Brussel Sprouts

I don't know how I ended up cooking tonight since it was suppose to be Jake, but I did. Tonight was suppose to be family dinner and game night, Jake and Dakota was suppose to cook dinner, but my sister ended up at the hospital last night and is still there tonight.

Jake picked out this recipe for Oregano chicken, so I assumed he was going to cook, but I will quit complaining and get to the recipe.

For the chicken I took 3/4 tsp grated garlic and rubbed 6 small, boneless, skinless, chicken thighs, then I rubbed it with 3/4 tsp of lemon pepper, and 1/2 tsp dried oregano. Then in 2 tablespoons of EVOO I seared all sides of the chicken then placed it in on a small cookie sheet and baked at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or chicken was done.

Meanwhile I boiled my potatoes. When they were done I mashed them, added butter, salt, pepper, fresh chopped chives(from Jake's herb garden), and grated 2 cloves of garlic in them,

For the veg I steamed some brussel sprouts, of course I am the only one who ate them.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Flat Iron Steaks, Mini Turkey Burgers, Potatoes, and Veggies

I am sorry I haven't been very with it lately but I have been very tired and busy.

Wednesday night Jake made dinner. It was baked tilapia seasoned with ancho chili powder, garlic, pepper, and paprika. He also made some chicken flavored rice, and carrots. I was babysitting until after 8 pm so I enjoyed dinner when I came home.

Tonight it was made by my sister and myself. I had laid out some small flat iron steaks, she had some ground turkey out(she can't eat beef, it makes her very ill). She made baked potatoes, and we both cut up some veggies, zucchini, summer squash, carrots, bell peppers, and parsnips. I stir fried the veggies, and cooked the steak, she made the baked potatoes and the mini turkey burgers. It was a very good dinner.

Henry showed up last night, he has been gone for almost 6 weeks. I am so happy to have him here for the weekend. Tomorrow I will not be cooking, he's taking me out to dinner. Sorry I have been forgetting to take pics.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pulled Chicken, Pasta Salad, and Zucchini

Tonight was a good collaboration between Elena, Jake, and myself. Elena had a package of Jack Daniels pulled chicken in bbq sauce. I took chicken that I didn't cook last night, seared it, boiled it in water until very tender, shredded it and added a bottle of Lawry's  sun dried tomato marinade, then let it simmer for 5 minutes.

I had taken some zucchini over so Elena made some baked crispy zucchini.

Jake had made a pasta salad for a bbq and had extra so we ate it tonight. It was elbow macaroni cooked until tender. While that is cooking take some baby spinach (5 oz bag), add 2 tablespoons of EVVO, 1/2 of chopped onion, 3 cloves minced garlic, and parm cheese. After pasta is done toss in the spinach. Serve hot or warm.

It was a very good dinner, even if the boys didn't like

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chicken Strips, Twice Baked Potatoes

Tonight I thought I would cook and I probably shouldn't have. Everything I cooked sucked to me, Elena, Doug, and Dakota ate it.

I took boneless skinless chicken breast coated them with a mixture of flour, bread crumbs, and garlic pepper. First dip in beaten eggs then the flour mixture, place them on a cook sheet that has been lightly oiled or sprayed with cooking spray. Believe me no matter under any circumstances put them on parchment paper. I did following a recipe but they stuck badly!!!

I then took some zucchini peeled, sliced, and cut them into french fry sizes. I then salted them lightly to draw out all the water. Then dipped them in melted butter, then into a mixture of bread crumbs, parm, and seasoned salt. The recipe again said to place on parchment paper and bake at 425 for 15 minutes, again I don't suggest doing that, they stuck horribly! Instead I would place on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray. I have to say even though they stuck Dakota loved them. It was the first night since he's been back he hasn't fought about eating veggies.

I also made my twice baked potatoes. I bake the potatoes until they are soft. They I cut them into length wise scoop out the insides into a bowl, add butter, sour cream, grated garlic, salt, and pepper. Fill back up the potato skins and bake again until they are heated through in a 400 degree oven.

It may have been a mess but pleasing Dakota with all 3 dishes was a great thing for the very picky pre teen with Aspergers . Sorry I forgot to take pics of my ugly food.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Spicy Chicken Sandwich

I had 3 boneless skinless chicken thighs in the refrigerator and needed to cook them. I wanted something fast and easy. I decided on chicken sandwiches. I took 2 eggs, milk, and sriracha mixed it together well (if you don't like the spicy leave out the sriracha, and if you want it really spicy let the egg mixture set for an hour or two) set aside. In another bowl I mixed flour, salt, pepper, paprika, and cayenne pepper. I dipped the chicken in the egg mixture then in the flour mixture, then back in the egg, then fried it until both sides are golden brown. I then placed them on a cooling rack in a cookie sheet and put them in a 350 degree oven until done. Hint if you put the cooling rack on the cookie sheet it allows air to get all around the crispy chicken and keeps it crispy.

I mixed some grated garlic, dried thyme, and dried chives into a cup of mayo. Spread that on some sandwich rolls, place the chicken, and other favorite toppings (cheese, spinach, red onion, and pickles). The most important thing is to let the chicken cool before you try to eat the sandwich, I didn't and I burnt my
You can always serve potato salad, pasta salad, or like I did chips.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Postponed Mother's Day/Jake's Birthday Dinner

Tonight Troy treated Jake and I to dinner for Mother's Day and Jake's B-day. We went to Casa Ramos. I had a nice margarita the size of a fish bowl and steak fajitas. It was very yummy. I love hanging out  with the boys, oh and Troy brought along Circe too. It was a nice relaxing dinner with no clean-up. Now They are on the way over here for some board games with Jake.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Burgers and Cake

Today is Jake's 17th birthday!
For his birthday he wanted burgers. I took some lean ground beef added 4 cloves chopped garlic, 1 handful of chopped flat leaf parsley, 1/2 chopped onion, 1/2 grated carrot, 1 small grated zucchini, salt and pepper. Then made patties and stuffed it with a cubed piece of colby cheese. I tell you that's the best way to get veggies into that boy! My sister can't eat beef so I took some boneless skinless chicken thighs cubed them and put them in the blender with everything I put in the burgers plus olive oil, and bread crumbs.
Along with that I made some oven roasted potato wedges, seasoned with paprika, salt, pepper, thyme, and oregano. I put both the burger patties and the potato wedges in the a 425 degree oven for 45 minutes.

Jake doesn't look so excited but Zach was!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Italian Chicken Sausages.

So I am thinking I should have titled this cooking with family. My lovely sister cooked tonight a very quick dinner, but it was still very good. She knew I had to get Jake's cake finished for tomorrow so she said she was cooking, of course I was like okay!

Jake and I finally got his cake decorated. it was our first experience working with fondant. He wanted his cake to look like a Tardis...something off of Doctor Who, he watches, I don't. It took us a while but we finished. He likes it so I guess it's good. I can't believe he is going to be 17 tomorrow. Boy am I feeling very old!
Tomorrow I am cooking something Jake likes. We are having stuffed burgers, and garlic potato wedges.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Shrimp, Clams, Potatoes, and Carrots.

Today was an awesome day!!! I woke to Jake making yummy pancakes for breakfast, and he even cleaned up his mess :-).  We had to run and take his tux back to Chico. Then he treated me to a Frapp. Next we headed for my sister's house for dinner.

When I got there Dakota was making hor dourves. He wanted me to share a pic of them here on my blog, and I am very happy to do so.
Doug my sister's husband made dinner tonight. He made shrimp scampi, baked potatoes, and carrots. While at the store Jake and I found some stuffed clams, so we threw those in for dinner too. 
 It was so funny watching Dakota try the clams for the first time. So I had to share a pic of his first bite...he actually liked them.
 After dinner was over Jake, Dakota, and Zach made dessert. They made a s'mores bar dessert. They said it was their secret recipe, that they got out of one of my cookbooks. I have to tell you it was way too sweet for this mom, but I did eat a little bit of it. I did however forget to take a pic of time.

Sadly, Troy had to work, but I did take some of our yummy dinner to him at work. He is suppose to take Jake and I for dinner on his next day off...Wednesday. I love my boys and family so much! It was a wonderful Mother's Day for me!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have to admit I have been very lazy about cooking lately. I have been very busy too this last week. Tonight my sister made a very good dinner with chicken rice, veggies, and pot stickers. She rescued me from a bowl of cereal. I was very busy getting Jake ready for his Junior Prom. Of course I wasn't cooking for just me and didn't have time to cook for everyone. I am really getting spoiled having my sister back here and her cooking too.

Today I took some time out of our busy day to keep a promise I made to Zach. We baked chocolate chip cookies. He had found his apron in his box he unpacked earlier this week and wanted to cook. I let him and Dakota do most of the work and they turned out great!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dover Sole, Rice, and Green Beans

It was my turn to cook tonight. I thought I would go the lighter side. I found some dover sole on sale and cheap.

Here is the recipe I used for the rice.
 1 cup Texmati brown rice
2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided
1/4 cup Champagne or rice wine vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon good olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
1 pound ripe tomatoes, large-diced
1 cup packed basil leaves (1 large bunch), chopped
Bring 2 1/4 cups water to a boil and add the rice and 1 teaspoon of the salt. Return to a boil, cover, and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes, until the rice is tender and all the water is absorbed. Transfer the rice to a bowl.

Whisk together the vinegar, sugar, olive oil, remaining teaspoon of salt, and a pinch of pepper. Pour over the rice. Add the tomatoes and basil. Mix well and check the seasonings. Serve at room temperature.

For the fish I took it and layered it in a shallow buttered baking dish, then sprinkled it with salt and pepper. In a small bowl mix 1/4 cup melted butter, the juice from 1 lemon, and minced onion. Pout that over the fish, then sprinkle with paprika. Bake in a 325 degree oven for 30 minutes or fish is done. Garnish it with fresh chopped parsley.

For the veggie, I took fresh green bean and blanched them for 5 minutes.

This was very simple and yummy! Of course my nephews didn't want any part of it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stuffed Chicken, Potatoes, and Veggies

Tonight my sister invited Jake and I over for dinner. I can't lie, I really enjoy not having to cook every night. She is totally spoiling me.

On the menu for tonight was stuffed chicken( stuffed with cheese and bacon), baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, squash she used a veggie kit with it that consisted of cinnamon, almonds, and oats (I believe). She also served a chicken cesar salad, and this yummy sun dried tomato bread. Dinner was great! I hope this happens more often.

For some reason I can't upload my pic tonight.

Stay tune for tomorrows dinner, I will be cooking. On the menu is dover sole, rice, and some sort of veggie. I haven't decided what I am exactly doing yet.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chicken and Beef Tacos

No pic tonight it was crazy. I didn't cook my sister Elena did. She made ground chicken tacos, with homemade spanish rice, and black beans. Her hubby made some fresh guacamole. It was a very yummy dinner. I did cook the ground beef only because I was bugging her to help.

For dessert I made a Heavenly Delight Chocolate Dream Dessert

( This is an ALL time favorite in my home!)
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 1 cup finely chopped pecans
• 1/2 cup cold butter

• OR….A pre-made Graham Cracker Crust (My family prefers)

• 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
• 1 cup confectioners' sugar
• 1 carton (8 ounces) frozen whipped topping, thawed, divided
• 1 package (3.4 ounces) instant vanilla pudding mix
• 1 package (3.9 ounces) instant chocolate pudding mix
• 3 cups cold milk
• 1 chocolate bar, grated
• In a bowl, combine the flour and pecans; cut in butter until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Press into a 13-in. x 9-in. baking pan.
• Bake at 350° for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack. Place the cream cheese, sugar and half the whipped topping in a large bowl; beat until smooth. Spread over crust.
• Whisk pudding mixes and milk for 2 minutes or until soft-set. Spread over cream cheese mixture; chill until firm. Spread with remaining whipped topping, then sprinkle with grated chocolate. Refrigerate until serving.

I have not yet tried this yet, but everyone else said it was very good. I did use the pre made graham cracker crust.

My other sister(Paula) made some very good margaritas. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Puttanesca with Red Pepper Spaghetti.

Tonight dinner was picked by my nephew Dakota(12 years) and made by him and Jake. I am not totally sure how they made the whole thing but I know they did a couple of things their way. For one it called for dry vermouth but Dakota will not cook with alcohol. they switched out the capers for green olives. The other thing they changed was the anchovies. Instead of using the actual anchovies they used anchovy paste.

For the sauce they heated 1/4 cup EVOO in a deep large skillet, then added the anchovy paste, cooked it for a few minutes. Next stir in 4 thinly sliced cloves of garlic and 1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes. Add the 1/3 cup of chicken stock and the juice of 1 lemon, stir for 1 minute. Add 1 28 oz can of diced tomatoes. Increase the heat a bit, stir in a handful of finely chopped flat leaf parsley, a couple of leaves of fresh basil, 1/2 black olives, and 3 tbls chopped green olives. Bring the sauce to a bubble cook to thicken while the pasta water comes to a boil and pasta cooks.  Save a 1 cup of the pasta water before draining. Drain pasta mix it in with the sauce. Add in the pasta water to help mix it together.

They also made chicken meatballs. They took ground chicken, mixed in 1 egg, garlic, dried thyme, oregano, basil. bread crumbs, and parm cheese. They made round balls and baked at 400 for 15 minutes. This was a great dinner, but they followed it up with dessert. Jake taught Dakota how to make the chocolate souffle. I can't tell you how because Jake hasn't shared his recipe with me.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chicken Vesuvio

Tonight I thought we would cook a family dinner at my sister's house. She has air conditioning and I don't.
Jake and I gathered up everything a headed over there. Jake helped me with prep, cubing potatoes, chicken, and chopping a lot of garlic (a whole head). The other things I used are, oregano, thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper, white wine, and chicken stock.

Heat a large skillet with 4 tbls EVOO, add potatoes, garlic, rosemary, thyme, oregano, salt and pepper. Cook until potatoes are brown and tender. Meanwhile heat a large oven safe pan over medium high heat, dust the chicken in flour, add cubed boneless skinless chicken breast( I did prefer when I made this with the thighs instead of the breast, it was juicer with the thighs), cook the chicken in small batches so they brown properly, after all chicken is browned return all of it to the pan, deglaze the pan with 1/2 cup white wine, then add 1 cup chicken stock, add the potatoes to the chicken, cover and cook for 15 minutes or til chicken is done in an oven that is preheated to 375 degrees.. The recipe calls for frozen peas to be added 5 minutes before it comes out of the oven. I chose to serve green beans on the side...I hate peas!.

It was so nice having a nice family dinner again. Our next big dinner will be Saturday, when Dakota is picking what we are cooking and Jake will be making souffles. Sorry forgot the pic tonight.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Busy Day

Today was a very busy day. First work, a tad bit better than yesterday, no lifting a kid. Then leaving work rushing to get Jake at school, then to his luncheon, him back to school, me back to work. Finished work with out to much grief from my student.

After work I went to pick up a very cute 7 year old for a date at the ice cream shop. It was funny when his mom said she was going and he said no, she ended up coming any way.

Then off to pick up Jake from school and take Zach back home. Jake needed to go order a tux for prom on the 11th. His friend told him of this place in Orland(about 10 miles away) it was suppose to be cheaper than the Men's Warehouse in Chico(35 miles away). Off the Orland, we got there and that place had closed down. I was going to head to Chico from there, but Jake didn't have a $30 coupon with him, so back home then off to Chico. We got the tux all done, of course he had to get an expensive white tux, but whatever. By then it was after 5 pm, so we stopped for a burger. Back home then to my sister's house to help so more. Finally home at 8 pm and totally exhausted.

We are planning a nice family meal this weekend.