Friday, May 31, 2013

Pork Chops, Salad, and Zucchini

I know I haven't done this in a few days but I just haven't felt up to it. I haven't cooked except for tonight(I helped).

Wednesday night my sister made dinner again and invited me since I was all alone. She made a turkey meatloaf, baked potatoes, and something green but I can't remember what it was. Jake had steer weigh ins that day and didn't get home until after 7 pm. I had laid out some fish, but had discovered it only had 1 piece in it so I decided I would be nice and fix him dinner when he returned home(I really don't like fish)
I seasoned the fish with garlic pepper and ancho chili pepper, then seared it in a tablespoon of olive oil. Then the lazy me threw a potato in the microwave to make a "baked" potato. He said the fish was really good.

Thursday I was very exhausted, and of course my turn to do dinner, so I took and easy way out. I picked up a pepperoni pizza for Zach, a gourmet chicken garlic pizza and a club salad from Papa Murphy's. It is considered cooking, I had to put it in the oven...LOL

Tonight was a collaboration between Elena and myself (and Jake). Elena made some pork chops(I don't care for pork, but I was nice and ate some), Jake had gotten up a huge zucchini from the Senior Center when they went to do community service today, so I sliced it and fried it. Of course Jake was busy with friends and won't be home until later. My sister picked up a Cesar salad. It was a pretty good dinner. No pick though because Jake has my camera with him.

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