Friday, May 24, 2013

Flat Iron Steaks, Mini Turkey Burgers, Potatoes, and Veggies

I am sorry I haven't been very with it lately but I have been very tired and busy.

Wednesday night Jake made dinner. It was baked tilapia seasoned with ancho chili powder, garlic, pepper, and paprika. He also made some chicken flavored rice, and carrots. I was babysitting until after 8 pm so I enjoyed dinner when I came home.

Tonight it was made by my sister and myself. I had laid out some small flat iron steaks, she had some ground turkey out(she can't eat beef, it makes her very ill). She made baked potatoes, and we both cut up some veggies, zucchini, summer squash, carrots, bell peppers, and parsnips. I stir fried the veggies, and cooked the steak, she made the baked potatoes and the mini turkey burgers. It was a very good dinner.

Henry showed up last night, he has been gone for almost 6 weeks. I am so happy to have him here for the weekend. Tomorrow I will not be cooking, he's taking me out to dinner. Sorry I have been forgetting to take pics.

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