Sunday, May 12, 2013

Shrimp, Clams, Potatoes, and Carrots.

Today was an awesome day!!! I woke to Jake making yummy pancakes for breakfast, and he even cleaned up his mess :-).  We had to run and take his tux back to Chico. Then he treated me to a Frapp. Next we headed for my sister's house for dinner.

When I got there Dakota was making hor dourves. He wanted me to share a pic of them here on my blog, and I am very happy to do so.
Doug my sister's husband made dinner tonight. He made shrimp scampi, baked potatoes, and carrots. While at the store Jake and I found some stuffed clams, so we threw those in for dinner too. 
 It was so funny watching Dakota try the clams for the first time. So I had to share a pic of his first bite...he actually liked them.
 After dinner was over Jake, Dakota, and Zach made dessert. They made a s'mores bar dessert. They said it was their secret recipe, that they got out of one of my cookbooks. I have to tell you it was way too sweet for this mom, but I did eat a little bit of it. I did however forget to take a pic of time.

Sadly, Troy had to work, but I did take some of our yummy dinner to him at work. He is suppose to take Jake and I for dinner on his next day off...Wednesday. I love my boys and family so much! It was a wonderful Mother's Day for me!!!

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