Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chicken Strips, Twice Baked Potatoes

Tonight I thought I would cook and I probably shouldn't have. Everything I cooked sucked to me, Elena, Doug, and Dakota ate it.

I took boneless skinless chicken breast coated them with a mixture of flour, bread crumbs, and garlic pepper. First dip in beaten eggs then the flour mixture, place them on a cook sheet that has been lightly oiled or sprayed with cooking spray. Believe me no matter under any circumstances put them on parchment paper. I did following a recipe but they stuck badly!!!

I then took some zucchini peeled, sliced, and cut them into french fry sizes. I then salted them lightly to draw out all the water. Then dipped them in melted butter, then into a mixture of bread crumbs, parm, and seasoned salt. The recipe again said to place on parchment paper and bake at 425 for 15 minutes, again I don't suggest doing that, they stuck horribly! Instead I would place on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray. I have to say even though they stuck Dakota loved them. It was the first night since he's been back he hasn't fought about eating veggies.

I also made my twice baked potatoes. I bake the potatoes until they are soft. They I cut them into length wise scoop out the insides into a bowl, add butter, sour cream, grated garlic, salt, and pepper. Fill back up the potato skins and bake again until they are heated through in a 400 degree oven.

It may have been a mess but pleasing Dakota with all 3 dishes was a great thing for the very picky pre teen with Aspergers . Sorry I forgot to take pics of my ugly food.

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