Sunday, May 26, 2013

Oregano/Garlic Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, and Brussel Sprouts

I don't know how I ended up cooking tonight since it was suppose to be Jake, but I did. Tonight was suppose to be family dinner and game night, Jake and Dakota was suppose to cook dinner, but my sister ended up at the hospital last night and is still there tonight.

Jake picked out this recipe for Oregano chicken, so I assumed he was going to cook, but I will quit complaining and get to the recipe.

For the chicken I took 3/4 tsp grated garlic and rubbed 6 small, boneless, skinless, chicken thighs, then I rubbed it with 3/4 tsp of lemon pepper, and 1/2 tsp dried oregano. Then in 2 tablespoons of EVOO I seared all sides of the chicken then placed it in on a small cookie sheet and baked at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or chicken was done.

Meanwhile I boiled my potatoes. When they were done I mashed them, added butter, salt, pepper, fresh chopped chives(from Jake's herb garden), and grated 2 cloves of garlic in them,

For the veg I steamed some brussel sprouts, of course I am the only one who ate them.

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