Sunday, March 30, 2014

Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, and Brussel Sprouts

 Tonight was my turn and wanted something fast and easy. I had one of those Kraft mixes in the fridge. So I thought it was going to be chicken, mashed potatoes, and some veggie for me.

 First I did prep, I peeled and cut 4 potatoes (this is more than enough for Jake and I), and peeled and sliced 5 large cloves of garlic.

 Next I took 1 large boneless skinless chicken breast (I got hem for a good price at Food Maxx, 3 large chicken breast, boneless skinless, for $7.90. That's 3 meals for Jake and I), and cut it into 4 pieces. I then dipped them in water, then in the spicy chipotle cheddar, cheese and breadcrumb mix, then placed them on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray. I then placed them in a 375 degree oven for 35 minutes.

 For the potatoes, after they were cut rinsed, I covered them with chicken broth, this gives them more flavor, I also added # of the sliced cloves of garlic. Last I let them boil until tender. After they were done, I drained them, added butter, another grated clove of garlic, salt, pepper, dried thyme, basil, oregano, milk, and Parmesan cheese.

 Finally, I steamed some frozen brussel sprouts for myself. I forgot, 5 minutes before the chicken was done I placed a sliced roll onto the pan, that had some butter on it. When that came out of the oven I took a clove of garlic and rubbed it on it.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Salmon and Pasta

 I finally caught Jake not busy and made him cook dinner. We were a the store today and they had this nice piece of salmon for $6.00. Jake said, "I know what I'm making for dinner tonight, this and pasta."

 For the salmon he used a Mediterranean seasoning, garlic, red, yellow, and orange peppers, lemon, and white wine. ( For some reason Jake loves cooking with wine). He placed the salmon on a foil lined pan, poured in the wine, lemon juice, added all seasonings and veggies. He covered it tightly and placed it in 450 degree oven until the salmon was done.

 Meanwhile, he put on a pot with water to boil, and began the sauce for the pasta. For the pasta he started with butter, garlic, and green onions. After that had cooked for about 5 minutes he added 1/2 cup white wine, lemon zest and lemon juice. He let that hang out for about a minute or so, then added 1 can diced tomatoes, salt, pepper and the Mediterranean seasoning. After the pasta was done he added it to the sauce, and served it with some Parmesan cheese.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Asian Pasta Salad

 I got this recipe from a co-worker, and of course I had to change it a little.

 In a small heavy pan, heat 1/2 cup sesame oil (I googled what to sub for this since Jake is allergic to it, I used olive oil instead), 1/4 cup corn oil (I used the canola oil I had) and 2 teaspoons of red pepper flakes (if you don't like any heat I would really decrease this amount), Keep an eye on this so the red pepper flakes don't burn. I think I let it go, just about 5 minutes, maybe less, remove from heat add 6-8 Tablespoons honey, and 5 Tablespoons soy sauce. Meanwhile cook, and drain 1 lb of spaghetti noodles (I used the angle hair pasta I had at home). Pour the sauce over the pasta, then toss well, cover it and place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or over night. The longer you let it sit the more flavor and heat you will have. I left it for the 4 hours.

 Before serving, add 1 bunch of sliced green onions, 3/4 cups finely diced red bell peppers ( I had a bag of small sweet peppers, red, yellow, and orange, so I used them) and 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds (I served them on the side because, again Jake is allergic). I said to serve chopped salted peanuts on the side, again Jake is allergic so I didn't even buy them. I did however have a bag of fresh spinach that I wilted down and added it. The reason for the spinach is because Jake is on a spinach kick, so I add it every chance I get. I also took some skinless boneless chicken breast strips seasoned with Chinese 5 spice and seared them in olive oil. I let then cool for about 2 minutes and then sliced them.

 Overall, I liked the flavors in this dish, however I think I would like it more if it were hot instead of cold.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Shrimp, Bacon, and Pasta

 Tonight was Jake's night to cook and we are still going with use what's in the house. The shrimp was in the freezer, and there was 4 slices of bacon left. However we did pick up a couple of things at the store, some spring onions, a lemon, a lime, and a package of angle hair pasta, I spent right over $2.00.

 Jake started by chopping some garlic, the 3 spring onions, a few small red, yellow, and orange peppers. Then he placed the bacon on some parchment paper on a cookie sheet and cooked it for 15 minutes in a 450 degree oven. He also started the water for the pasta. He started by adding 2 tbs butter and a tbs olive oil in a deep skillet, he then added the shrimp he had marinated in smoked paprika, dried thyme, basil, and oregano. He cooked it just until it turned pink. He removed the shrimp, and started off on the sauce. He added more butter and olive oil along with 1/2 cup of white wine, he cooked that for about a minute or two. He then added the onions, peppers, garlic, more smoked paprika, ancho chili powder, crushed red pepper flakes, and the bacon. He let that cook for about 5 minutes, then added about 1 cup of chicken stock. He let that cook for another 5 minutes. He added the shrimp back in and then the cooked pasta. Lastly he added the green part of the spring onions in and served it with some grated Parmesan cheese. It was simple and fast.

 He did another great job!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

French Dips, Oriental Cabbage Salad, and Baked Fudge

 While watching Food Network this morning, I saw The Pioneer Woman making french dips and baked fudge. They both looked so simple, so I thought I would give it a try. It was suppose to be Jake's night to cook but he was busy with band practice and a bowl a thon for band, so I thought I would be nice and go ahead and fix dinner. I did however change a few things in the first 2 recipes. For one, I wanted to try to use things I had in the house, 2nd it's close to payday so not a lot in the budget, and lastly, some of the ingredients are not allowed in Jake's diet.

 For the french dips she slow cooked a nice beef roast, I had 2 thick steaks I got on reduced for quick sale. I threw them in the the oven to cook, I coated them with some seasoning I got at grocery outlet, it's an A1 seasoning. For the dipping sauce, I took some beef broth and the drippings from the steak and put it in a sauce pan with 1 medium chopped onion and 3 cloves of garlic, I let that simmer for about 30 minutes. Then I added a package of french onion soup mix, 1 tbs soy sauce, 1 tbs worcestershire, not in the recipe but I added 4 sliced mushrooms, and a tbs black pepper. I let that simmer. I let the steaks cool, then sliced it very thinly. When sauce was ready, she had drained it and then said to discard the onions and all the good stuff, but I didn't. I placed the sliced steak in the sauce for about 5 minutes. When I was ready to assemble the sandwiches I removed the steak from the sauce, I layered the steak on toasted bolio rolls, on my sandwich I put a layer of the steak and a layer of the onions and mushrooms. On the show she had added a slice of cheese, but Jake has had enough dairy for the week so I skipped that part.

 Earlier I made a salad with a recipe I got from a co worker. This is the original recipe, 2 tbs. sesame seeds, 1/2 cup sliced almonds, 1 tbs butter, 3/4 a head of shredded cabbage, 1 bunch sliced green onions, 1 package chicken top ramen, crushed, for the dressing 1 flavor packet from the top ramen, 2 tbs. sugar, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 3 tbs. rice vinegar, 1 tbs. sesame oil, 1/4 tsp. pepper. Saute the sesame seeds and sliced almonds in the butter, set aside. Mix together the cabbage, green onions, toasted almonds, sesame seeds, and crushed top ramen. Combine the dressing ingredients and toss with salad before serving. So because of Jake's food allergies I had to change this up a bit. I just did not add the sesame seeds or the sesame oil. I did buy a small bag of almonds at the Dollar Tree but only added it to what I was going to eat. I also added some carrots and radishes, only because I like I to eat colorful foods. Instead of the vegetable oil I added olive oil, and omitted the sesame oil.

 I did make Jake make dessert, it was hard twisting his arm to get him to do it. Here is the simple recipe. 2 whole eggs, 1 cup sugar, 2 tbs (heaping) cocoa powder, 2 tbs flour, 1 stick of butter, melted (1/2 cup), 1 tsp. vanilla extract. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Beat the eggs until light in color. Beat in the sugar until just combined, add the cocoa, flour, melted butter, and vanilla. Mix gently until well combined. Pour the batter into 4 large ramekins. Set the ramekins into a large baking pan halfway full of hot water, careful not to get the water into the ramekins. Bake until the upper crust is crispy and the rest of the batter is firm but not set, 40 to 50 minutes. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream. We used some ice cream we had made a few days ago. Our recipe for that is 1 1/2 cups lactose free milk, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tsp. vanilla, and a few squirts caramel ice cream topping, we put it in our ice cream maker. I had to have the ice cream and whip cream.


Friday, March 21, 2014

Stuffed French Toast and Bacon

 I have been sick since Sunday so I haven't done any blogging or much of anything. Sunday, Jake made a really great meal of homemade mac and cheese, he grilled some chicken, and asparagus. He also made some amazing bread. I was feeling somewhat better today so I thought I would finally take my night of cooking. Poor Jake was on his own for the whole week, fixing his own meals. Instead of cooking he ate hot pockets and cup of soup all week while I drank broth.

 Tonight I took some of that yummy bread and made it our meal. I sliced it kind of thick and soaked it in a mixture of eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla. I then fried it in what else butter, until it was golden brown. I set it aside. Meanwhile, I covered a cookie sheet with parchment paper, placed some bacon on it, then put it in a 450 degree oven for about 20 minutes, until crispy.

 After the bread had cooled, I mixed 1 package of low fat cream cheese( bought at grocery outlet for $0.50, with some Philadelphia snack delights, milk chocolate spread ( 3 containers for $1.00), mix until well combined. I then layered the mixture onto 3 slices of french toast, then topped it with another slice of french toast. I then placed it on a cookie sheet (I was careful taking the bacon off the cookie sheet so I used only the one cookie sheet), and put it in the oven for 5 minutes. When it came out I put a little powdered sugar on top along with some strawberry sauce I made a few weeks ago, and a spoonful of whip cream ($0.99). Enjoy!

Here is the bread Jake made.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mussels, Pasta, and Carrots

  I saw this recipe in the The Michael Symon 5 in 5 cookbook and thought I would try it, I don't really like mussels, so I thought I would get clams instead. I went to the store I that I bought the clams at before, but they didn't have any. I went to Safeway, they had the clams and mussels, the mussels were $2.00 a pound cheaper, so I went with them. I really wish I hadn't! I don't know if they were bad ones but they were stringy, looked like snot, and had a bad fishy smell and taste. On the bright side the sauce was very good.

 I started with the pasta since it took longer. I started the water, then in another pan, I added 2 tbs of olive oil and butter when that was melted I added 3 cloves of chopped garlic, and let it simmer. I then dropped the linguine into the boiling salted water. I then added 1/2 cup white wine to the sauce. After the pasta was done, I added it to the sauce along with fresh chopped basil, oregano, and flat leaf parsley. I also added red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, 1/2 cup shredded gouda, and chopped spinach.

 Meanwhile, I had the oven heated to 450 degrees. I placed the mussels, tomatoes, fresh chopped flat leaf parsley, 1 tbs. red pepper flakes, 1/2 cup olive oil, and 2 cups white wine into a lined baking 9x13 inch pan and tightly covered it with foil. It cooked for 5 minutes in the oven.

 Oh, and I made some cooked baby carrots, just water and a little bit of butter, salt to taste.

 We didn't eat the mussels, I ate the tomatoes out of it. I won't be buying mussels any time soon. The whole meal took me less than 20 minutes to make.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fried Chicken Strips, Mashed Potatoes, and Brussel Sprouts

 Tonight was Jake's night to cook. I really think he's against me here and doesn't want me losing weight. He finds the most fattening foods possible. Of course I am just kidding, besides he needs all the fat and calories he can get.

 He started off soaking his boneless skinless chicken breast strips in his lactose free milk, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, ancho chili powder, and cayenne pepper for about 2 hours. Meanwhile he peeled 4 small potatoes and cut them into small pieces.

 When he was ready he put the potatoes in a pot along with water. He boiled them until soft. Meanwhile he started some canola oil heating in a deep skillet. He took the chicken from the milk, and dipped it in flour, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, ancho chili powder, smoked paprika, and cayenne. Then he dipped it back into the milk, and back into the flour mixture. Next into a the hot oil. He cooked them until they were golden brown, then he turned them over, and cooked until they were done. He then placed them on a plate covered with a paper towel.

 He then used some of the oil that he cooked the chicken in, he added a couple tbls of margarine to it and 3 tbls flour, he let this cook for about a minute (it looked like sand). He then added his lactose free milk, and added almost the same seasonings as the chicken. This is why his gravy has a weird color. He stirred it until there weren't any lumps left, then turned the heat to low, while he was mashing the potatoes.

 For the potatoes he added margarine, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, salt, and pepper, oh and a little bit of milk.

 I put some frozen brussel sprouts in a small pan and steamed them. He did another great job!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Creamy Asparagus Soup

 Tonight was suppose to be Jake's night to cook, but of course he had something else to do (the kid has a better social life than I do). The band went to play in a competition, so they didn't get back til close to 7.

 I was trying to decide what I wanted to cook for myself. I decided to fix some soup. I went to look in the fridge to see what there was. I have a lot of asparagus because it was cheap, so there it was.

 In a medium saucepan melt 2 tbs. butter, then add 1/2 of onion, I used a red onion. The recipe called for a leek, but the store I went to didn't have any. I also added 2 cloves chopped garlic. Cook until the onion is tender, about 5 minutes. Next add 2 tbs flour, mix until well combined and there isn't any raw flour. Next add 2 cups of chicken stock, 1 bunch chopped asparagus (it doesn't have to be even cuts), 1 package of sliced mushrooms, and 2 tbs. chopped fresh flat leaf parsley. Stir continuously until it comes to a boil. Then cover it and reduce the heat to low. Cook until the asparagus is tender, about 15 minutes.

 Take the mixture by cupfuls and place it in a blender, place the lid on the blender, cover the lid with a towel and hold firmly down, if you don't do it that way the lid will pop off and you will be splattered with hot liquid. Blend until smooth, keep repeating until all soup has been blended. Return the soup back to sauce pan, add 1 cup heavy cream (the worst part of this recipe, and I actually used it because I knew Jake would not eat this), mix thoroughly, add salt and pepper to taste, if you like spice, I added some cayenne pepper. I topped it with some Parmesan cheese, some raw red onion, and parsley. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


 Last night Jake had to play at the basketball game, so it was just me. I had some of the soup I made a little over a week ago. He said I wasn't off the hook and had to cook tonight. I wanted to do something fast and easy, yes that seems to be my motto.

 I decided that I would make sliders. I had to take my sister to the store, so I thought we would pick up what we needed. I picked up the onions and peppers. I went to grab the meat so Jake asked if I wanted him to get the rolls. I said sure. He came back with the fresh bolio rolls. They are bigger than regular hamburger buns. He said these will taste better, so my sliders turned into giant burgers.

 I took the hamburger meat put it in a bowl and added: salt, pepper, ancho chili powder, smoked paprika, 3 cloves minced garlic, 1/4 of a small red onion grated into the bowl, 1/4 of a zucchini grated, 1 very small red and orange pepper diced into small pieces. I mixed it all up, made them into patties, and placed them on a cookie sheet. I put them in an 425 degree oven for 15 minutes. A few minutes before it was done I put some sliced gouda cheese on it so it could melt.

 To assemble them, I took the roll and hollowed it out (so there was less bread), then put a thin layer of the creamed spinach I made a few days ago, then the burger patty, pickles, and lettuce. I then used some dried tomato and basil spread (made with greek yogurt) on the top bun then put it on top.
 I only ate 1/2 of this. Jake, however, ate the whole thing before I could take a few bites.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bourbon Shrimp Tacos

 Tonight was Jake's turn and he couldn't wait to find a recipe that contained the bourbon (so we didn't waste it). He was really excited when he found a recipe that he got to set something on fire. Thank God it wasn't the house. It was a really easy recipe. We had everything except the white corn tortillas.

 First you take a tbls of olive oil and heat it over medium heat in a deep skillet. Add the shrimp to the pan. When they start getting pink, flip them over and add 1/4 cup bourbon/whiskey. Use a grill lighter to set the bourbon on fire of the bottom of the pan. Allow to burn for 30 seconds, then cover the pan with a lid to put out the flame. Remove the lid and sprinkle on 1/4 tsp. cayenne, 1/2 tsp. cumin, 1/4 tsp. salt, and Jake added a pinch of black pepper and 2 cloves sliced garlic. Next heat up the tortillas. Serve with your favorite toppings. We used fresh cilantro, sliced orange bell peppers, radishes, 50/50 lettuce mix, and of course cheese.

 I was going to make a chili sauce it called for but who knew the adobo was made mostly of sesame seeds, I did not, and since Jake has tested positive to being allergic to them I made a different sauce. I took 1/4 cup sour cream and added some cayenne, cumin, smoked paprika, and fresh cilantro. I mixed it well and that's it.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Creamed Spinach and Steak Sandwich

 Last night, Jake was suppose to cook the steak he laid out, but he took and easy way out by making a box of red velvet pancakes.

 I had to figure out something to do with the steak so it didn't waste. I saw this recipe on Food Network yesterday and thought I would try it. I have to admit it was a little pricey, only because I had to buy alcohol, which I will probably give the rest to Troy because he is at that stupid drinking age. There are a few steps and I did change one thing, the glaze. It called for oranges and maraschino cherry juice, Jake and I are both allergic to oranges, so I made my own glaze. 

 For the glaze, I took about 4 tbls of balsamic vinegar (that's what was left in the bottle), 3 tbls. of brown sugar, 2 large cloves garlic thinly sliced, 1 tsp. chopped dried rosemary, and 1 cup of bourbon. I put all ingredients into a small sauce pan, brought it to a boil then reduced the heat to medium low, and let it reduce for about 5 minutes.

 For the cream spinach, take 3 tbls. butter (I used olive oil), melted it in a deep skillet, added 1 diced yellow onion, and 3 cloves minced garlic. I let that cook until it was tender, turn off the stove, add 1/4 cup bourbon, stir to combine, turn back on the heat and cook for about a minute. Next, add 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream (I used Jake's lactose free milk), cook on low until it is reduced by 1/2 about 5 minutes. I then added 2 cups of shredded gouda cheese (I bought this at Grocery Outlet for $2.00, because I live in a very small town where it's not sold), cook until cheese is melted. Add 2 boxes, thawed drained (squeeze all the water out by putting the frozen thawed spinach into a clean dish towel and squeezing out as much water as you can) spinach, combine well. Cover and cook on low for about 10 minutes.

 Meanwhile heat a cast iron skillet over medium high heat, pat dry your steak (it called for a hanger steak, but I used a round steak that had been in the freezer( it was $4.00), salt and pepper both sides, next drizzle with olive oil, place in the hot skillet, let cook about 5 minutes, then turn and do the same to the other side, when the steak is close to being done start spooning on the glaze, then keep turning the steak to let the glaze cook. I glazed and turned the steak about 4 times. Let the steak rest at least 5 minutes. Slice the steak very thinly.

 Here is how you assemble the sandwich. I toasted the rolls, again it called for pretzel rolls but there isn't any in this little town.
                                                         Pile on the cream spinach
                                                            Next goes the steak.
                                          Then the red onion, if you like it, Jake does not like it.
                                       Last place on the top bun, and try to fit this in your mouth.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


 I thought I would be alone tonight for dinner but I brat sat for my nephews, Zach(8 yrs.) and Dakota(13 yrs). So, I had to come up with something fast and easy. Right after Zach walked through the door he asked what we were going to bake, he meant cookies, cake, etc., I said nothing.  But, I started thinking about what I was going to feed them, after searching the net for quick easy dinners I came up with pizza. So this is what we did. I just wanted say that I know a lot of people do not like kids in the kitchen but I don't mind it. They love to help (make a bigger mess) and teaches them how to cook.

 First Zach and I took 3 1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 packet of instant dry yeast, and 2 tsp. salt., we put that in a large mixing bowl, then slowly added very warm water (110 degrees) and 2 tbs. olive oil. We mixed that until it formed a ball. Next, I put that onto a lightly floured surface and let Zach knead it. (of course I kneaded it too). We then placed it in a glass bowl that had been greased with olive oil. Then we covered that with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place so it would rise. It doubled with in 1 hour. Zach loved checking to see how it was growing.

 Next, we took the dough and they shaped it how they wanted it, I placed it in a 500 degree oven for about 10 minutes.  I then let them put on the toppings they wanted to. Zach put salami, cheese, and bacon. Dakota's was salami, bacon, cheese, and fresh basil. I cheated and used a jar sauce. I put it back in the oven for about 5 minutes.

 For my pizza, I took zucchini, yellow squash, onions, green peppers, orange peppers, red peppers, and mushrooms, I cooked them in a skillet with 1 tbs. olive oil, just until they were tender. I placed some of the jar sauce I had spiced up with basil, garlic, and oregano. Of course, I had to add cheese, mozzarella and Parmesan.