Friday, March 7, 2014

Creamy Asparagus Soup

 Tonight was suppose to be Jake's night to cook, but of course he had something else to do (the kid has a better social life than I do). The band went to play in a competition, so they didn't get back til close to 7.

 I was trying to decide what I wanted to cook for myself. I decided to fix some soup. I went to look in the fridge to see what there was. I have a lot of asparagus because it was cheap, so there it was.

 In a medium saucepan melt 2 tbs. butter, then add 1/2 of onion, I used a red onion. The recipe called for a leek, but the store I went to didn't have any. I also added 2 cloves chopped garlic. Cook until the onion is tender, about 5 minutes. Next add 2 tbs flour, mix until well combined and there isn't any raw flour. Next add 2 cups of chicken stock, 1 bunch chopped asparagus (it doesn't have to be even cuts), 1 package of sliced mushrooms, and 2 tbs. chopped fresh flat leaf parsley. Stir continuously until it comes to a boil. Then cover it and reduce the heat to low. Cook until the asparagus is tender, about 15 minutes.

 Take the mixture by cupfuls and place it in a blender, place the lid on the blender, cover the lid with a towel and hold firmly down, if you don't do it that way the lid will pop off and you will be splattered with hot liquid. Blend until smooth, keep repeating until all soup has been blended. Return the soup back to sauce pan, add 1 cup heavy cream (the worst part of this recipe, and I actually used it because I knew Jake would not eat this), mix thoroughly, add salt and pepper to taste, if you like spice, I added some cayenne pepper. I topped it with some Parmesan cheese, some raw red onion, and parsley. Enjoy!

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