Friday, March 21, 2014

Stuffed French Toast and Bacon

 I have been sick since Sunday so I haven't done any blogging or much of anything. Sunday, Jake made a really great meal of homemade mac and cheese, he grilled some chicken, and asparagus. He also made some amazing bread. I was feeling somewhat better today so I thought I would finally take my night of cooking. Poor Jake was on his own for the whole week, fixing his own meals. Instead of cooking he ate hot pockets and cup of soup all week while I drank broth.

 Tonight I took some of that yummy bread and made it our meal. I sliced it kind of thick and soaked it in a mixture of eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla. I then fried it in what else butter, until it was golden brown. I set it aside. Meanwhile, I covered a cookie sheet with parchment paper, placed some bacon on it, then put it in a 450 degree oven for about 20 minutes, until crispy.

 After the bread had cooled, I mixed 1 package of low fat cream cheese( bought at grocery outlet for $0.50, with some Philadelphia snack delights, milk chocolate spread ( 3 containers for $1.00), mix until well combined. I then layered the mixture onto 3 slices of french toast, then topped it with another slice of french toast. I then placed it on a cookie sheet (I was careful taking the bacon off the cookie sheet so I used only the one cookie sheet), and put it in the oven for 5 minutes. When it came out I put a little powdered sugar on top along with some strawberry sauce I made a few weeks ago, and a spoonful of whip cream ($0.99). Enjoy!

Here is the bread Jake made.

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