Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bourbon Shrimp Tacos

 Tonight was Jake's turn and he couldn't wait to find a recipe that contained the bourbon (so we didn't waste it). He was really excited when he found a recipe that he got to set something on fire. Thank God it wasn't the house. It was a really easy recipe. We had everything except the white corn tortillas.

 First you take a tbls of olive oil and heat it over medium heat in a deep skillet. Add the shrimp to the pan. When they start getting pink, flip them over and add 1/4 cup bourbon/whiskey. Use a grill lighter to set the bourbon on fire of the bottom of the pan. Allow to burn for 30 seconds, then cover the pan with a lid to put out the flame. Remove the lid and sprinkle on 1/4 tsp. cayenne, 1/2 tsp. cumin, 1/4 tsp. salt, and Jake added a pinch of black pepper and 2 cloves sliced garlic. Next heat up the tortillas. Serve with your favorite toppings. We used fresh cilantro, sliced orange bell peppers, radishes, 50/50 lettuce mix, and of course cheese.

 I was going to make a chili sauce it called for but who knew the adobo was made mostly of sesame seeds, I did not, and since Jake has tested positive to being allergic to them I made a different sauce. I took 1/4 cup sour cream and added some cayenne, cumin, smoked paprika, and fresh cilantro. I mixed it well and that's it.

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