Saturday, March 29, 2014

Salmon and Pasta

 I finally caught Jake not busy and made him cook dinner. We were a the store today and they had this nice piece of salmon for $6.00. Jake said, "I know what I'm making for dinner tonight, this and pasta."

 For the salmon he used a Mediterranean seasoning, garlic, red, yellow, and orange peppers, lemon, and white wine. ( For some reason Jake loves cooking with wine). He placed the salmon on a foil lined pan, poured in the wine, lemon juice, added all seasonings and veggies. He covered it tightly and placed it in 450 degree oven until the salmon was done.

 Meanwhile, he put on a pot with water to boil, and began the sauce for the pasta. For the pasta he started with butter, garlic, and green onions. After that had cooked for about 5 minutes he added 1/2 cup white wine, lemon zest and lemon juice. He let that hang out for about a minute or so, then added 1 can diced tomatoes, salt, pepper and the Mediterranean seasoning. After the pasta was done he added it to the sauce, and served it with some Parmesan cheese.

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