Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fried Chicken Strips, Mashed Potatoes, and Brussel Sprouts

 Tonight was Jake's night to cook. I really think he's against me here and doesn't want me losing weight. He finds the most fattening foods possible. Of course I am just kidding, besides he needs all the fat and calories he can get.

 He started off soaking his boneless skinless chicken breast strips in his lactose free milk, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, ancho chili powder, and cayenne pepper for about 2 hours. Meanwhile he peeled 4 small potatoes and cut them into small pieces.

 When he was ready he put the potatoes in a pot along with water. He boiled them until soft. Meanwhile he started some canola oil heating in a deep skillet. He took the chicken from the milk, and dipped it in flour, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, ancho chili powder, smoked paprika, and cayenne. Then he dipped it back into the milk, and back into the flour mixture. Next into a the hot oil. He cooked them until they were golden brown, then he turned them over, and cooked until they were done. He then placed them on a plate covered with a paper towel.

 He then used some of the oil that he cooked the chicken in, he added a couple tbls of margarine to it and 3 tbls flour, he let this cook for about a minute (it looked like sand). He then added his lactose free milk, and added almost the same seasonings as the chicken. This is why his gravy has a weird color. He stirred it until there weren't any lumps left, then turned the heat to low, while he was mashing the potatoes.

 For the potatoes he added margarine, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, salt, and pepper, oh and a little bit of milk.

 I put some frozen brussel sprouts in a small pan and steamed them. He did another great job!

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