Thursday, March 6, 2014


 Last night Jake had to play at the basketball game, so it was just me. I had some of the soup I made a little over a week ago. He said I wasn't off the hook and had to cook tonight. I wanted to do something fast and easy, yes that seems to be my motto.

 I decided that I would make sliders. I had to take my sister to the store, so I thought we would pick up what we needed. I picked up the onions and peppers. I went to grab the meat so Jake asked if I wanted him to get the rolls. I said sure. He came back with the fresh bolio rolls. They are bigger than regular hamburger buns. He said these will taste better, so my sliders turned into giant burgers.

 I took the hamburger meat put it in a bowl and added: salt, pepper, ancho chili powder, smoked paprika, 3 cloves minced garlic, 1/4 of a small red onion grated into the bowl, 1/4 of a zucchini grated, 1 very small red and orange pepper diced into small pieces. I mixed it all up, made them into patties, and placed them on a cookie sheet. I put them in an 425 degree oven for 15 minutes. A few minutes before it was done I put some sliced gouda cheese on it so it could melt.

 To assemble them, I took the roll and hollowed it out (so there was less bread), then put a thin layer of the creamed spinach I made a few days ago, then the burger patty, pickles, and lettuce. I then used some dried tomato and basil spread (made with greek yogurt) on the top bun then put it on top.
 I only ate 1/2 of this. Jake, however, ate the whole thing before I could take a few bites.

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