Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chicken and Spinach Stuffed Ravioli and Salad

 Tonight was Jake's turn to cook. He wanted something easy and fast, so he decided on the pre made ravioli we had bought the other day. All he had to do is make a sauce. I was shocked he didn't want wine for a sauce, that's so unlike him.

  For the sauce he started with butter/margarine, 1/2 chopped red onion, 5 cloves chopped garlic, sliced grape tomatoes, and mushrooms. He cooked those until they were tender. He then added, a pint of heavy cream (yes I know this is so bad for him, but he knows best), basil, oregano, salt, pepper, and some saffron threads. He let that simmer for 10 minutes.

 After the ravioli was done cooking he added them into the pan with the sauce. He served it with some Parmesan cheese.
  He didn't make the salad, I made that last night to go with the chicken strips I grilled. The salad is a mixture of 50/50 bag lettuce/baby spinach, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, red and yellow bell peppers, and sliced red onions.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chicken Bacon Sandwich

  I made something easy tonight, because we have to go watch my nephew in the school's talent show. I decided on chicken sandwiches.

 I first started by putting the bacon on a cookie sheet with sides, lined with parchment paper, placed in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes. When it was done I placed the cooked bacon on a plate lined with paper towels.

 Next, I started the veggies. I sliced 1/2 of a yellow onion, 1/2 of a red bell pepper, and 2 large mushrooms. I heated a skillet with olive oil and a little butter, then placed the onions and red peppers in the skillet and added a little salt. I cooked then until they started getting tender, then added the mushrooms. I cooked them until they were caramelized.

 Meanwhile, I took 2 boneless skinless chicken breast, seasoned them with papkika, ancho chili powder, salt, and pepper. I heated a skillet with olive oil and seared the chicken, probably 8 to 10 minutes each side, until the chicken is done.

 I also toasted the rolls.

 To put this together, I used low fat mayo, then placed the chicken on the bread, topped it with swiss cheese, the cooked veggies, on the top, I put some fresh spinach and of course the bacon.

 I didn't eat this whole thing. The weird thing about me is, I make the sandwich, put it together, then open it, then pick off everything I just put on it. This way maybe I will be full and not eat all the bread.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Balsamic Chicken, Skillet Potatoes, and Brussel Sprouts

  Jake was really nice and cooked dinner again tonight. I did make breakfast for him, Dakota, and Zach. I made homemade butter pecan waffles, sausage, and eggs. I really hope I get this right. I am not sure if I remember everything, but I will try.

 He took 2 skinless boneless chicken breast, marinated them for about 3 hours in, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and basil. When ready to cook it, he heated a cast iron skillet, added some olive oil, then placed the chicken in the pan, and seared it on both sides. Next, he placed it in the oven at 375 to finish cooking it. I have to say that the vinegar flavor was a little too much, but the chicken was very juicy.

 He took a box of skillet garlic potatoes (they were like scalloped potatoes without the cheese). He cooked them as the box said too.

 The brussel sprouts were frozen so they were steamed.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Chicken Parm

  Jake wanted to make chicken parm tonight. He didn't follow any recipe, and just winged it.

 He started making his sauce by taking a large deep skillet adding about 1 tbs. of anchovy paste,  2 15 oz cans of tomato sauce, 1 15 oz can crushed tomatoes, 1/2 can tomato paste, to that he added 6 cloves chopped garlic, 1 sliced carrot, 1 medium yellow onion chopped, and the following spices: dried thyme, rosemary, oregano, basil, paprika, and red pepper flakes. He brought it to a boil then covered it and let it simmer.

 Next he took 2 skinless boneless chicken breast, dipped them into an egg and buttermilk mixture and then into a mixture of bread crumbs, flour, salt, and pepper. He then placed them in a deep baking dish that was sprayed with a cooking spray. Then he put them into a 450 degree oven, long enough to brown them. He then started his pasta water boiling. When the chicken was brown, he pulled it out, put a couple of tbs of his sauce on top, along with mozzarella, and shredded Parmesan cheese. He put it back in the oven, long enough to melt the cheese and make sure the chicken is cooked fully.

  I had to make my own carrots, by putting them into a glass bowl with water, then the microwave for about 6 minutes.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Salmon, Rice, and Carrots

  Even thought it was Jake's night to cook, I was nice and did it. I told him he had to cook tomorrow night, but of course I won't let him cook on his bday. I don't think I am that mean..LOL

   First I started the rice, I took 1 cup long grain brown rice, added 2 cups turkey broth, oregano, basil, turmeric, chopped garlic, and chopped green onion. I brought it to a boil, then covered it and let it simmer until all the liquid was gone.

 I had just picked up 2 frozen packages of salmon at Grocery Outlet for $2.99 a piece, I know it's not fresh, but I can't afford fresh fish. I took 1 of the 12 oz salmon out, I seasoned it with Mediterranean seasoning, lemon pepper, 2 cloves chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. I put it on a cookie sheet with sides, lined with foil (I actually made a package with the foil). Before I put it in a 400 degree oven, I squeezed 1/2 a lemon over it, 2 small sweet peppers, green onions chopped, and 1/2 cup white wine. I then made the package with the foil, closing it up tightly. Then in the oven for 15 minutes.

 For the carrots I placed some baby carrots into a pot, and gently boiled them until tender but still have a bite to them. I don't like soggy carrots! When they were done I drained the water and added 1 tbs of butter. That's it!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Dinner

  Jake made an awesome dinner tonight. I am going to do this a little backward tonight, I am starting with dessert because it was amazing!

  He made a chocolate souffle. Here is the recipe he uses.
3 tbs. butter- divided  (we use margarine), 2 tbs. unsweetened cocoa powder, 3 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 2 large egg yolks, 2 large egg whites, 2 tbs granulated sugar, pinch of salt, pinch of cream of tartar

 Directions: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Use 1 tbs of the butter to grease 2 8 ounce ramekins, Coat with the cocoa powder, tapping the extra out (Jake prefers to use sugar for this instead). Next, in a large microwave safe bowl, microwave the chocolate and remaining 2 tbs butter in 30 second burst, stirring between each burst, until melted and smooth. Stir in the vanilla and egg yolks, one at a time.

  In another bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the egg whites, sugar, salt, and cream of tartar, just until stiff peaks form. Gently fold in the the egg white mixture into the chocolate. Spoon into the prepared ramekins. Bake until puffed and set, about 20 minutes.

Now back to breakfast, no dinner, rather breakfast for dinner. He wanted to try the bacon inside the pancake thing. He took the bacon placed it on a cookie sheet (with sides) lined with parchment paper, placed it in the an 425 degree oven, for about 15 minutes. Next he prepped the veggies for the omelet. He chopped, 1 small onion, a couple of the sweet bell peppers, and spinach. Next, he cooked the onions and peppers until they were tender, then added the the spinach just long enough to wilt it. Next he started the pancakes. This wasn't so easy and I ended up helping him. He used a boxed blueberry, whole wheat pancake mix. In a large skillet he put in some butter, then pored a small amount of pancake mix then placed the bacon down, then a little more pancake mix. It took a while, it didn't look perfect but it tasted good. Finally he turned the pan with the veggies back on, added some butter, and added the scrambled eggs. He cooked it until the egg was almost all the way cooked, he then added some shredded sharp cheddar cheese, flipped half over and it was done!!! His omelet was great!!!

 He did a great job, from dinner to dessert!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fish with Brown Rice

 Tonight Jake decided to cook fish and rice for dinner. I will try to remember everything he used, but not sure if I can.

 For the rice he took 1 cup brown long grain rice, added 1 cup beef broth, 1 cup of white wine, 3 cloves minced garlic, 1/2 bunch chopped green onions, 1 sliced carrot, 1/2 cinnamon stick, a pinch of saffron threads, salt, and pepper, he brought that to a boil, covered it, and reduced to a simmer. Then let it cook for about 20 minutes. When it was done he added 1/2 bag chopped fresh spinach.

 For the fish, we had swai, so that's what we had in the freezer. He started with the sauce. He took 1/2 bunch green onions chopped, 4 cloves chopped garlic, saffron, salt, and pepper. Of course he added 1 cup of white wine. He let that simmer for about 1 minute. Then he added the fish which had smoked paprika, he grated 1/2 stick of cinnamon over it, and fresh lemon juice. He cooked it for about 8 minutes, and that was it. He did a great job again.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sausage With Peppers and Onions and Quinoa Salad

  My night to cook. I looked in the freezer and saw the kielbasa, so I thought about sausage and peppers, but I didn't want to do the original one that I grew up on. I wanted to do something different. My mom always made it with a brown gravy and white rice, I loved it but didn't want it tonight.

  I started off by putting 1 cup of quinoa and lentils into a pot and added 4 cups of beef stock. I brought it to a boil and let it simmer for about 20 minutes or until liquid is gone. About 5 minutes before done I added a few saffron threads, turmeric, dried thyme, salt, and pepper. When it was done I added in 1 shredded carrot, 2 cups shredded spinach, and 1/2 of a red onion finely chopped. I mixed it in and let it set.

  For the sausage I took the kielbasa and seared it in a dry deep skillet, then I moved it to a plate. Next I took 2 tbs olive oil, heated it up, then added 1/2 sliced red onion, 1 small sliced yellow onion, and 4 cloves chopped garlic. I let that cook for 5 minutes, next I added some sliced red and yellow bell peppers (If I was using normal size peppers, I would have added 1 of each.) I let those cook for a couple of minutes. Next, I added 1 cup dry white wine, dried basil, and dried oregano. Then, slice the sausage into desired pieces, place them back into the skillet with the onions and peppers, put a lid on it and let it simmer for about 15 minutes or until sausage is done.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Shredded Pork Tacos

 Tonight was Jake's turn to cook, so he took the easy way out. He took the pork from last night, finished shredding it, put it in a skillet with a little bit of broth, 1 chopped seeded jalapeno, and 1 tsp. of the sriracha chili sauce. He heated the corn tortillas up, and that was it.

  We added some sour cream, lettuce, cheese, and I added radishes.


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spicy Pulled Pork Sandwiches

  I found a great price on a pork roast yesterday at Food Maxx, I paid $6.50 for a 4/5 pound roast. I knew we could get at least 2 meals out of this one roast.

  I started off by placing the roast in the slow cooker this morning. I seasoned it with smoked paprika, ancho chili pepper, cumin, salt, and pepper, I also added 1 can of beef broth, 4 cloves chopped garlic, 1/2 of chopped yellow onion, and 1 jalapeno chopped, but not seeded. I put it on high for about 5 1/2 hours.

  I also made some coleslaw for it. I started with 1 small bag of coleslaw mix. For the dressing I used 1 cup low fat mayo, 2 tbl. sugar, 2 tbl. apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp. black pepper, 1/2 tsp. salt, and 1/4 tsp. dried mustard. It also called for 1/8 tsp. celery seed, I didn't have any so I didn't add it.

  After the roast was done, I took it out and let it rest for about 10 minutes. While that was resting I took a couple ladles of the drippings out of the slow cooker and added them to a medium sauce pan, I also added 1 bottle of honey bbq sauce, and 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper. I let that simmer for 5 minutes. Next, I pulled the pork apart, (only the amount I thought we needed for the sandwiches, I took the rest, placed it in a bowl with a lid and put it in the fridge for another day). I added the pulled pork to the sauce and let it simmer long enough until the bread was toasted, in the oven. A little thing I do for my sandwiches when I use large rolls, I pull out most of the bread in both sides. Not only does this make a great well for all the good stuff, but it takes away calories and carbs.

  The following pictures will show how I assembled it. Jake had all the bread plus he added shredded sharp cheddar cheese to his and none of the coleslaw. I don't usually like pork, but this was really good.

Breakfast Sandwiches

 Last week on The Kitchen, they showed how you could make your own breakfast sandwiches and save money. Jake loves the Jimmy Dean frozen breakfast sandwiches, but they are really out of my budget now. 1 box of 4 usually run close to $5.00. I had to try these.

 First I took 12 eggs, added a splash of milk, salt, and pepper, I whisked this until it was well blended. I then added 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese, mix in well. Next, I sprayed a cookie sheet (one that has raised sides) with canola oil spray, next pout the eggs into the pan, then place it in a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes, or until eggs are done. I forgot about mine and they were a little over done but not to bad. When the eggs are done, cut them into 12 squares. My egg squares were a little large due to using my big cookie sheet.

 Next, I took a roll of Jimmy Dean sausage, that I found at grocery outlet for 98 cents, I cut it into 10 slices, then placed the slices into a deep hot skillet cooked them until done. I set them on a plate.

 The hard part for me was toasting the buns (the show used muffins but not only are the muffins higher in calories in carbs but the are more expensive). I chose the cheap hamburger buns. I have 2 slice toaster so it took longer, I don't know why I just didn't throw them in the oven.

  First I placed the eggs on the the bread, I had to fold the egg squares to to them being to big, next was the sausage.
                                                         Next, place the top bun on.

                     Place it on a piece of plastic wrap, and wrap up the sandwich nice and tight.
                                       Lastly, place them in a ziploc bag and place in the freezer.
That is roughly 30 cents a sandwich. I paid 98 cents for the sausage, 98 cents for the hamburger buns, and $1.98 for the cheese but only used 1/2 of it. The eggs I get free from a teacher I work with. I will be doing more of these soon.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ravioli Wait No Lasagna

   Jake's night, he intended on making ravioli. We used wonton wrappers for the ravioli dough.

   For the stuffing he used 2, 8 oz packages of cream cheese, 1 bag chopped fresh spinach, 3 cloves chopped garlic, and 1 bunch geen onions. He took that and placed it in a a deep skillet with 2 tbs. olive oil. He cooked it until the spinach was wilted. He let it cool then added it to the softened cream cheese.

   Next, he laid out the wonton wrappers, placed about 1 teaspoon of the mixture in the middle of the wrapper, placed another wrapper on top, then sealed them. We placed them on a cookie sheet for them to dry a little. Start your water boiling now.

   Meanwhile, he took 2 skinless boneless chicken breast, seasoned them with smoked paprika and  Mediterranean seasoning. He seared them in a deep skillet with olive oil, then he placed them in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.

  Then, we cooked the ravioli 4 at a time in a large pot of boiling water. It only takes a few minutes for them to cook, when they float to the top they are done. Here is the mistake Jake made. He put the ravioli in a bowl, on top of each other, instead of on a cookie sheet in a single layer (like I told him to).

  He then made his sauce. he started out with 1 stick of butter. He melted the butter, then added some green onion, some red and yellow bell peppers, he even grated a little carrot in it for color, and 4 cloves of sliced garlic. he cooked that until the onions were tender. Next, he added 1 cup white wine, he cooked that for about a minute, then he added a bunch of seasonings. He used basil, oregano, dried thyme, rosemary, red pepper flakes, salt, and lemon pepper. He then added 1/2 can of chicken sauce and let it simmer for 2 minutes.

  So this is what our finished product looked like.

I know this doesn't look like ravioli. When he went to place the ravioli in the bowl, it was stuck all together. I improvised, I cut them into lasagna squares, so now instead of  ravioli we had lasagna. 
I took this and poured the sauce over top of it, then the sliced chicken. It was very tasty!