Sunday, May 18, 2014

Balsamic Chicken, Skillet Potatoes, and Brussel Sprouts

  Jake was really nice and cooked dinner again tonight. I did make breakfast for him, Dakota, and Zach. I made homemade butter pecan waffles, sausage, and eggs. I really hope I get this right. I am not sure if I remember everything, but I will try.

 He took 2 skinless boneless chicken breast, marinated them for about 3 hours in, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and basil. When ready to cook it, he heated a cast iron skillet, added some olive oil, then placed the chicken in the pan, and seared it on both sides. Next, he placed it in the oven at 375 to finish cooking it. I have to say that the vinegar flavor was a little too much, but the chicken was very juicy.

 He took a box of skillet garlic potatoes (they were like scalloped potatoes without the cheese). He cooked them as the box said too.

 The brussel sprouts were frozen so they were steamed.

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