Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chicken and Spinach Stuffed Ravioli and Salad

 Tonight was Jake's turn to cook. He wanted something easy and fast, so he decided on the pre made ravioli we had bought the other day. All he had to do is make a sauce. I was shocked he didn't want wine for a sauce, that's so unlike him.

  For the sauce he started with butter/margarine, 1/2 chopped red onion, 5 cloves chopped garlic, sliced grape tomatoes, and mushrooms. He cooked those until they were tender. He then added, a pint of heavy cream (yes I know this is so bad for him, but he knows best), basil, oregano, salt, pepper, and some saffron threads. He let that simmer for 10 minutes.

 After the ravioli was done cooking he added them into the pan with the sauce. He served it with some Parmesan cheese.
  He didn't make the salad, I made that last night to go with the chicken strips I grilled. The salad is a mixture of 50/50 bag lettuce/baby spinach, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, red and yellow bell peppers, and sliced red onions.

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