Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Salmon, Rice, and Carrots

  Even thought it was Jake's night to cook, I was nice and did it. I told him he had to cook tomorrow night, but of course I won't let him cook on his bday. I don't think I am that mean..LOL

   First I started the rice, I took 1 cup long grain brown rice, added 2 cups turkey broth, oregano, basil, turmeric, chopped garlic, and chopped green onion. I brought it to a boil, then covered it and let it simmer until all the liquid was gone.

 I had just picked up 2 frozen packages of salmon at Grocery Outlet for $2.99 a piece, I know it's not fresh, but I can't afford fresh fish. I took 1 of the 12 oz salmon out, I seasoned it with Mediterranean seasoning, lemon pepper, 2 cloves chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. I put it on a cookie sheet with sides, lined with foil (I actually made a package with the foil). Before I put it in a 400 degree oven, I squeezed 1/2 a lemon over it, 2 small sweet peppers, green onions chopped, and 1/2 cup white wine. I then made the package with the foil, closing it up tightly. Then in the oven for 15 minutes.

 For the carrots I placed some baby carrots into a pot, and gently boiled them until tender but still have a bite to them. I don't like soggy carrots! When they were done I drained the water and added 1 tbs of butter. That's it!

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