Sunday, May 4, 2014

Breakfast Sandwiches

 Last week on The Kitchen, they showed how you could make your own breakfast sandwiches and save money. Jake loves the Jimmy Dean frozen breakfast sandwiches, but they are really out of my budget now. 1 box of 4 usually run close to $5.00. I had to try these.

 First I took 12 eggs, added a splash of milk, salt, and pepper, I whisked this until it was well blended. I then added 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese, mix in well. Next, I sprayed a cookie sheet (one that has raised sides) with canola oil spray, next pout the eggs into the pan, then place it in a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes, or until eggs are done. I forgot about mine and they were a little over done but not to bad. When the eggs are done, cut them into 12 squares. My egg squares were a little large due to using my big cookie sheet.

 Next, I took a roll of Jimmy Dean sausage, that I found at grocery outlet for 98 cents, I cut it into 10 slices, then placed the slices into a deep hot skillet cooked them until done. I set them on a plate.

 The hard part for me was toasting the buns (the show used muffins but not only are the muffins higher in calories in carbs but the are more expensive). I chose the cheap hamburger buns. I have 2 slice toaster so it took longer, I don't know why I just didn't throw them in the oven.

  First I placed the eggs on the the bread, I had to fold the egg squares to to them being to big, next was the sausage.
                                                         Next, place the top bun on.

                     Place it on a piece of plastic wrap, and wrap up the sandwich nice and tight.
                                       Lastly, place them in a ziploc bag and place in the freezer.
That is roughly 30 cents a sandwich. I paid 98 cents for the sausage, 98 cents for the hamburger buns, and $1.98 for the cheese but only used 1/2 of it. The eggs I get free from a teacher I work with. I will be doing more of these soon.

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