Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ravioli Wait No Lasagna

   Jake's night, he intended on making ravioli. We used wonton wrappers for the ravioli dough.

   For the stuffing he used 2, 8 oz packages of cream cheese, 1 bag chopped fresh spinach, 3 cloves chopped garlic, and 1 bunch geen onions. He took that and placed it in a a deep skillet with 2 tbs. olive oil. He cooked it until the spinach was wilted. He let it cool then added it to the softened cream cheese.

   Next, he laid out the wonton wrappers, placed about 1 teaspoon of the mixture in the middle of the wrapper, placed another wrapper on top, then sealed them. We placed them on a cookie sheet for them to dry a little. Start your water boiling now.

   Meanwhile, he took 2 skinless boneless chicken breast, seasoned them with smoked paprika and  Mediterranean seasoning. He seared them in a deep skillet with olive oil, then he placed them in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.

  Then, we cooked the ravioli 4 at a time in a large pot of boiling water. It only takes a few minutes for them to cook, when they float to the top they are done. Here is the mistake Jake made. He put the ravioli in a bowl, on top of each other, instead of on a cookie sheet in a single layer (like I told him to).

  He then made his sauce. he started out with 1 stick of butter. He melted the butter, then added some green onion, some red and yellow bell peppers, he even grated a little carrot in it for color, and 4 cloves of sliced garlic. he cooked that until the onions were tender. Next, he added 1 cup white wine, he cooked that for about a minute, then he added a bunch of seasonings. He used basil, oregano, dried thyme, rosemary, red pepper flakes, salt, and lemon pepper. He then added 1/2 can of chicken sauce and let it simmer for 2 minutes.

  So this is what our finished product looked like.

I know this doesn't look like ravioli. When he went to place the ravioli in the bowl, it was stuck all together. I improvised, I cut them into lasagna squares, so now instead of  ravioli we had lasagna. 
I took this and poured the sauce over top of it, then the sliced chicken. It was very tasty! 

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