Monday, June 17, 2013

Baked Chicken, Potatoes, and Steamed Veggies

Tonight as every night I really like to make things as easy on me as I can. I looked in the freezer to decide what would take the least time or something I didn't have to stand over the stove due to it's way to hot for that.

I found some chicken quarters that already had adobado seasoning on it, so there it was. I put them in a baking pan lined with foil, added a little bit of water, and covered it with foil, put it in the oven for about 1 hour until done. 10 minutes before it was done I removed the foil so it could brown.

Meanwhile, I sliced the potatoes almost all the way through, topped them with some butter, 1 clove grated garlic (1 clove per potato), and some sliced onion (I usually use red onions but this time I used a yellow one since that's what I had), wrap them up in foil, like you would a regular baked potato, I placed them on a small cookie sheet and threw them in the oven with the chicken.

While the chicken rested I put a bag of veggies (cauliflower, snap peas, carrots, and dried cranberries) in the steamer bag in the microwave for 5 minutes. The cranberries gave it a very good flavor, a sweet taste for your veggies.

While things were cooking I took 3 green apples diced them, added 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp cinnamon, and a little bit of nutmeg grated right over the bowl( I am using nutmeg because I knew Jake would not touch this dessert). I let that sit for about 15 minutes. I then made a pie crust, this is my most feared thing to make. I have never been able to make a decent pie crust. 2 cups flour,  1 tsp salt, 2/3 cups margarine, and 6 to 7 tsp very cold water. Cut the butter into the flour and salt, so it looks like sizes as big as peas, then add the water 1 tsp at a time until the dough is moist and comes into a ball. I rolled it out then use a large cup to cut into circles. Place the apple filling (about 1 tbs) on half of the circle. Fold them over crimp the edges with a fork, place on a cookies sheet that has been sprayed with cooking spray. poke small holes in the top of the pies, and brush the tops with egg whites. Place in a 425 oven for about 20 minutes or until they are golden brown.

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