Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dakota and Jake's Awesome Dinner

It was Saturday so it was Dakota and Jake's turn for dinner and family game night.

So they started out peeling potatoes for their "fancy" mashed potatoes. (I should mention Zach helped too) Yes, he is trying to peel potatoes with a butter knife dressed in his bike helmet and  a scarf as a belt. He insisted on helping.
They did a great job making chicken cordon blu. They pounded out some skinless boneless chicken thighs, added a slice of honey ham, and a slice of swiss cheese. Zach helped Jake mash the potatoes while I gave Dakota a lesson on making gravy. For the gravy we melted a couple of tablespoons of sherry butter(I had made it for steaks a while back) which consist of butter/margarine, parsley, dry sherry, garlic, and other spices, blended until smooth. To that we sprinkled a couple of tbs and let that cook for about a minute, then added about 2 cups of chicken broth, and a tbs of spicy ground mustard. We let that hang out to thicken. Of course these two hate veggies so none was on the menu. I grabbed some squash I had blanched and froze. I placed the frozen squash, in the bag into the microwave and steamed it that way. Dinner was very yummy and fattening. 
For dessert they made an Earl Grey cake. It's a cake batter infused with Earl Grey tea, Jake's favorite tea. It was the first time Dakota has made a cake from scratch and again he did a great job. I only helped getting the cakes out of the pan on this one.

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