Sunday, April 14, 2013

Carne Asada with Baked Potatoes

It was a very lazy day. Of course I had to watch the Giants win and plus trying to finish this book I am reading. Then I got an unexpected phone call to meet the guy my sister will be renting from and get the keys. So I had to fix something fast.

I had some carne asada in the freezer that was already seasoned, I threw a couple of potatoes in the oven, and fixed mixed veggies. Quick and easy! I seared the steak and steamed some veggies. I did not like the steak it was way too salty, that will teach me not to buy anything already seasoned. I did put some of the fresh cilantro on top of the potatoes, that made it so much better. I am so proud of Jake for starting the herb garden. Of course the veggies were frozen. I totally forgot to take a pic.

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