Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Today has been a very long rough day, so I asked Jake what he was fixing for dinner. He replied, "How about I buy a pizza for dinner?" I was totally fine with that. The buying a pizza thing may end as soon as the biopsies come back. If his eosinophils are high then back to a very strict diet. I guess I should let him enjoy while he can.

Today Jake also got a letter stating he was getting the student of the month award from The Maywood Woman's Club. I guess the pizza was a way of celebrating this. I am so proud of him. Even though he deals with 2 diseases he still pushes himself to succeed in his education. He has a 4.0 GPA right now. He wants to do get his AA at the local college, Shasta College. He then wants to transfer to UC Davis to complete his dream of becoming a pediatrician. I do believe he will do it!

Any way thanks for listening/reading my ramblings.

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