Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stir Fry

Tonight's dinner was thought of because of once again watching Food Network. This time it was Guy. I happened to turn the TV this morning and that's what channel it was on. He was making mu shu chicken, it looked wonderful. The only problem was I didn't have any of that stuff in the house except for the chicken. So once again I got a little creative. I looked in the cabinet to see what I had. I found some oyster sauce, soy sauce, and other spices. In the freezer I had chicken thighs, and stir fry veggies, so there I was what I was going to fix for dinner. I had planned on making rice with that but that didn't happen, not enough rice. So what did I find ramen noodles.

I skinned, and deboned the chicken, and sliced it thin. I marinated it in the oyster sauce, soy sauce, garlic, scallions, and cayenne pepper (oh tip, make sure the shaker top is on the top of the cayenne before you pour it on what your cooking), because I added too much cayenne I also added a tablespoon of sugar.

After marinating I put the chicken in a large hot skillet and let it sit there until it got a nice brown color, then I stir fried it. I then added the thawed stir fry veggies. I also cooked the ramen noodles. When everything was cooked I tossed it all together.

I guess it tasted good because Jake actually had seconds, excluding the veggies.

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