Friday, April 12, 2013

Starting Over

I didn't want to do this but I am starting my blog all over. This blog will consist of telling basically what we are having/cooking for dinner. This is so special to me because most of the time I am cooking with my son Jake. Jake is almost 17 years old, he suffers from 2 life threatening disease, Hirschsprung's Disease(HD) and Eosinophilic Esophagitis Gastrtis(EGID). Due to the EGID he has food allergies. He has tested positive for all nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and oranges. We also feel that soy has an effect on it too.Most dairy bother his GI tract too. He has had many surgeries and procedures(over 25). He is such a great teenager. So, together we take normal recipes and adapt them to his diet. We are currently letting him eat the dairy and soy until the last biopsies come back.

I love cooking with my son. We have such a special bond.

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