Monday, April 29, 2013

Take Out

Jake and I are both exhausted! We worked are butts off helping unload the Uhaul, it was for a great cause. My sister and her boys (and yes her husband) are back to stay. We have missed them so much. It was just so great sitting around outside talking, joking, and giving each other a bad time. It was like relief that they are back, but at the same time it was almost as if they had never left, except for all those boxes that need unpacking. In the end we got 3/4 of it done and we all called it a night. We finished with some take out (chinese). I know what most of you are probably thinking, this is bad for Jake. But I have promised him until his biopsies come back he can have soy and limited dairy. He is really enjoying these foods and will be disappointed if they are effecting his EGID, for now I have given in. Anyways how can a parent really control what a kid that will be 17 yrs. old in 15 days puts in his mouth? It's not easy and there is usually none in my house.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys had fun today!!! Give Elena and the boys hugs for me please??
