Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Another very long day at work, but I came home and prepped for dinner. I had cut up some boneless skinless chicken and slice potatoes into wedges. That's what I was planning to do anyway.

At 4:30 I got a txt from Troy asking for a ride home from work. Of course I couldn't say no. I picked him up and he said if I took him to Safeway, home to take a shower, then to his girlfriends house he would buy dinner. How could I pass that up especially having trouble walking, my feet and knees are swollen(I don't know why). He bought us subway and I enjoyed it, I even have half a sandwich left for tomorrow for lunch. He even threw in a diet pepsi :-).

So tonight I thought I'd throw in a couple of things that really bother me about people who eat not only at my house but any where. My number one thing that tics me off, is when you serve dinner and someone puts salt, pepper and other seasonings on their food before they taste it. Come on give me some credit, I know how to season food. I have to admit there has been a time or too I purposely added to much salt or other things just to show someone that they should taste first. The other thing is don't say you don't like something before you have even tried it. I have proved to someone not to mention names(Henry) that you are wrong. The man now enjoys, brussel sprouts, asparagus, and sushi to name a few.

I guess my rant is over.

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